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Showing posts from February, 2010

19 weeks

Only one more week until we find out if there's a little boy or little girl in there! I've been referring to our lil' alien as "he" ever since we found out I was preggers. Mother's intuition?? We'll soon find out...

5 more things....

Baby is now this size. No wonder I'm always crying. Image via Wikipedia 1. The baby has eyelashes. 2. It's very common for Preggos to feel like they have a cold for the entire 9 months. I wake up with a stuffy nose, sneezing every morning. 3. I am a LOT less tolerant of negativity right now. Happy pregnancies make happy babies. 4. Picking a girl's name is proving to be a difficult task. I'm not really sure why. There are a few we like but we just can't seem to commit. Here are the contenders (so far): Cameron Isabel Caroline Jessie Maribel Hazel Yes, we have a boys name already. No, you don't get to know yet. :) (Shh Mom!) We will reveal it when/if we find out we're having a boy. 5. We find out if it's a boy or a girl on March 5!! I can't wait.

It's alive!!

I heard the babies heartbeat today. That was definitely the highlight of my first prenatal appointment. Other than that, it was sort of like an alien abduction - a lot of poking and prodding. That's probably a little too much information but apparently, this baby-making business is very involved. Lots of tests. All is well though. Blood pressure looks good, weight is good (well, for a preggo) and 154 beats per minute is a perfect heart rate for Baby Sully. What a weird sound though - like a teeny-tiny washing machine.

5 Things I've learned so far...

1. Our baby has fingerprints already. I'm not sure why but this freaks me out. 2. Pregnancy heartburn is NO JOKE. Before this, I think I'd had heartburn twice in my life. I'm Mexican for Christ's sake! We love our spicy food. I guess I have to go easy for the next few months. Boo. 3. I can't watch "A Baby Story" without being reduced to a sobbing mess. But I find myself turning the channel for the delivery part. 4. The placenta & baby (aka alien) are about the size of an avocado right now. 5. Our baby will have duel citizenship. Cool, huh?

Baby Sully - 16 weeks

I haven't abandoned my blog. Quite the opposite. I'd go to it everyday, start typing and very quickly realize that the only thing I want to write about wasn't public knowledge yet. This weekend, though, we came out. There's an alien growing inside me. Weird. There were four phone calls we had to make before we could officially shout it from the rooftops. My mom - who screamed, then cried. Shelley - who promptly asked "how many babies" were inside me because she has been praying for twins. My Grammy - who actually first heard it from my mom. She screamed too. And Chris - who said "That's huge!!" I think he hit the nail on the head. With this kid, I become a Mommy , Matt a Daddy , Debbie and Shelley are Grandmas , and Chris and Mel are Uncle and Auntie . Whoa. I plan to use this blog to keep you all in the loop. Everything from names we're thinking of, nursery pics, ultrasound pics and, of course, my slow transition to "Supersize Nessa....