The difference between nine and ten months? Wow. There are really too many to name. Isabel is turning into one amazing little person. Of course, I never doubted her impending brilliance. (Remember, she said "Daddy" at 2-days-old) But, the only way to describe her development this month is exponential. She stands, she toddles, she talks (and SCREAMS!!!), she dances (that's my girl!) and eats real food! But my favorite development is finally, FINALLY getting to hear "Mama." Each day is one big discovery and I feel truly blessed that I get to see and hear every minute of it. Even the sassy parts. Yes, already. As expected, two sassier-than-thou parents made the ultimate sassy baby. And, boy, are we in trouble. I know that's going to grow exponentially too. Her favorite word is "yeah." As in "Isabel, I said no!" "Yeah." Sassy-pants. I can't help but smile and that makes my stern look completely ineffective. My Summer Gir...