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Showing posts from October, 2011

The road to the weekend is paved with good intentions...

Has anyone else noticed that time is flying? Seriously. Every Monday I think, " This is going to be a long week. " And every Friday I find myself saying, "How the hell is it already Friday?!" What's going on?! As with everything else, I blame baby. Our day is broken into 2 hour chunks -- somehow that translates into go-go-go and once I stop to look up, it's 4:00 p.m. and the day has gotten away from me again. The good part about that is that we are closer to her bedtime. The bad news is we are also closer to my bedtime and after a brief rest, I get to do it all again. (Yes, I'm Superwoman) I always have such high expectations for the week too. As I sit with my morning coffee on Monday morning, I am mentally compiling a list of all the wonderful and productive things I'm going to do during the week -- grocery shopping, exercising daily, fixing the car, cleaning out closets and garage, mani/pedi, painting the house, scrubbing the floors.... See, I ...

15-months and breaking free

Ok, so I sort of pride myself on not being an overly protective and fussy new parent. Isabel gets dirty, she's tasted junk food and I let her run and fall at the park. She's a kid. Being a kid is supposed to be fun, right? I hear other mom's talking about how they were so incredibly careful with the first one and all subsequent children were knife jugglers. I hope I fall somewhere in-between. Don't get me wrong, our house is totally baby-proofed. The whole kitchen is on lockdown. (giving Mommy a good lesson in patience) And once baby started walking, we turned our living/dining area into a sort of baby-corral with a strategically placed gate. It's been working great. But, as our munchkin grows (daily it seems), her play area shrinks. So, today I decided we should try something different. I took down the baby gate and said "go explore." And it was at this moment that I realized that I'm not quite as laid back as I thought. I was a nervous wreck all da...