I'm no stranger to "starting over." This will be the 4th time that I will change cities without having been there. Of course, the first one was when I was 6, but still.... I went to Las Vegas at 18, Austin at 23 and am now in Atlanta about to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of my 30th birthday. The last move was the toughest. Austin was and will always be my home. So much so, that ultimately Matt and I agree that's where we want to end up....again. Yeah, it was hard to put that aside long enough to give Atlanta a fair shot. But now that we have, this one is going to be tough too. And it doesn't help that my oldest and dearest friend, Steve, lives near me for the first time since High School.
Still, we have to do what's right for us...and this feels like we're heading in the right direction. Now is the time to take chances. right? No regrets. I know one day we'll settle in our perfect spot. One day we'll put down roots. One day we'll also have obligations (kids, house, maybe-lol) that won't allow us to pick up and move. So for now, it's one day at a time. I'll start by focusing on our upcoming cruise....then, my Mom's visit. After that, I'm buying a parka...have you heard that it's cold in Canada?
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