I used to think the perfect compliment to a cocktail was a cigarette. In fact, I remember saying "if I have a drink in one hand, I need a cigarette in the other or I'll tip over." Of course, after about 4 drinks I'd get a little wobbly anyway. But, that's beside the point. I was a smoker. (Although, I only bought my own pack every now and then. Yeah, I was that girl.) But then a wonderful thing happened. Austin passed a law that said "no more smoking inside." At the time , a lot of folks were quite upset. How were we supposed to enjoy our drinks? Our concerts? I was among these people and had the attitude that you should be able to do whatever you want to do. But then Winter set in. How quickly we adapt. I refused to be part of a community that stood huddled in single-digit temperatures all in the name of a nicotine fix. Plus, for the first time in years we weren't coming home from a night out smelling like an ashtray. It was nice. So, out of sight...