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Showing posts from October, 2009

The non-smoking section

I used to think the perfect compliment to a cocktail was a cigarette. In fact, I remember saying "if I have a drink in one hand, I need a cigarette in the other or I'll tip over." Of course, after about 4 drinks I'd get a little wobbly anyway. But, that's beside the point. I was a smoker. (Although, I only bought my own pack every now and then. Yeah, I was that girl.) But then a wonderful thing happened. Austin passed a law that said "no more smoking inside." At the time , a lot of folks were quite upset. How were we supposed to enjoy our drinks? Our concerts? I was among these people and had the attitude that you should be able to do whatever you want to do. But then Winter set in. How quickly we adapt. I refused to be part of a community that stood huddled in single-digit temperatures all in the name of a nicotine fix. Plus, for the first time in years we weren't coming home from a night out smelling like an ashtray. It was nice. So, out of sight...

"The Jesus" is my Bowling Buddy

As if this place wasn't bizarre enough, it turns out that Canada has their own version of Bowling. Have you heard about this?! Yet another thing I have to adapt to. They've taken o ur game and (like everything else) tweaked it just a little. The game of 5-Pin is just that. There are only 5 Pins. 5 widely-spaced pins. Instead of two turns to knock down the pins, you get three - which I initially thought was ridiculous but quickly found out is imperative...especially for beginners. It's harder than it looks! The bowling balls are different too. You no longer have to peruse racks and racks of balls for the right weight and color. All the balls are the same. They are small enough to palm (no holes) and only weigh a few pounds. This makes it extremely difficult to throw straight - which seems to be the way to win. This is what I get after years of perfecting my curve and spin.... Let's just say the I was no stranger to the gutter . Don't even ask me how the scoring works...

Time Warp

Seriously Canada? That wasn't a snowflake was it? Oh God. Already?!! There were just a few but that was definitely snow. Oh God. For the majority of my adult life, I've lived in the southern United States. This weather we're having now means that the calendar should say it's December. But, it's not. It's October and it's f'n cold! We keep hearing over and over, "This is nothing!" And it's not. It will be easily 50 degrees colder once winter actually gets here. Brrr... All I can do is stay positive...because, it's coming whether I'm ready or not. Ok, I need happy thoughts... *deep breath* .... snuggling, sledding, White Christmas', ice skating, skiing, snow days, hot chocolate... We'll be okay.

Let's get this party started, eh!

Canada just became the place to be. We like to think so at least. We've probably done more partying in the last month here than we did in the last year in Atlanta. Is that good or bad? Whatever it is, we're having a good time. The transition has definitely been made easier by the fact that we had friends (more importantly, friends with cars) waiting for us. Thanks to them, we've had a very extended welcome party. So, is it really that different? Not really. Everything is just sort of, slightly, kind of different. :) Matt says we're living in an "alternate reality." It'll take a little getting used to for sure. The hardest thing for me so far is the money. After living my whole life with the boring, American Greenback, I feel like I'm using Monopoly money. And my confusion is only elevated when I'm told "We don't use one dollar bills." Instead, you are given a Loonie - a one dollar coin. There are also Toonies - a (you guessed it) tw...