The game of 5-Pin is just that. There are only 5 Pins. 5 widely-spaced pins. Instead of two turns to knock down the pins, you get three - which I initially thought was ridiculous but quickly found out is imperative...especially for beginners. It's harder than it looks!
The bowling balls are different too. You no longer have to peruse racks and racks of balls for the right weight and color. All the balls are the same. They are small enough to palm (no holes) and only weigh a few pounds. This makes it extremely difficult to throw straight - which seems to be the way to win. This is what I get after years of perfecting my curve and spin.... Let's just say the I was no stranger to the gutter.
Don't even ask me how the scoring works. A spare was marked R and there were a few other symbols that looked like Hieroglyphics. All I know is that my high score for the night was a 91. Heh.
My review is simple: No thanks. I'll stick to good ole 10 pin for the sound alone. (You know you love it too!) My bowling game is very dependent on the domino effect, particularly after a few pitchers of beer.
I couldn't make a permanent switch, but I would love to try this at least once. Don't forget to take us "Canadian bowling" when we come visit one day.
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