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Oh Say! Can you see?

A chocolate-chip cookie.Invented in America by Ruth Wakefield. You're welcome, Canada. Image via Wikipedia

When I go to the salon to get my hair done (cut, color, style), I know that I am committing to at least a 3-hour errand. Yes, 3 hours of reading trashy magazines, silence, sipping coffee, shifting in an uncomfortable chair and being hungry. It's okay though. I always leave feeling like a million bucks. The sore bottom and hunger pangs will pass.

There is a rare occasion, however, when you get a stylist that is a real person - someone who knows how to talk to you. They all try to make conversation. Pleasantries. That can get old quickly. It's forced. It's awkward. And honestly, I'd rather just be quiet than converse with someone who is just filling the air with sound.

I met one of these exceptional hairdressers this week. Her name was Carrie, she was also new in town and she was fabulous! Like two old girlfriends, we talked about everything - weather, money, kids, marriage, pets... 3 hours is much more bearable when I don't hate you. lol

Everything was going swimmingly....then the subject changed to America. Dum! Dum! Dum!

It's interesting to see America through the eyes of a Canadian....that's never been there, no less. It's not their fault. I know I had a perception of what they must be like. But, I'm seriously starting to wonder if they use Michael Moore's documentaries as a learning tool here. America is more than it's flaws. Ya' know?! I get caught somewhere in the middle - defending America and agreeing that "Yes, those things suck." Sure, you've got better healthcare, most cities are safer and your version of traffic is a joke. Still, it's my home, even with all its imperfections. And like most relationships, ours isn't perfect. So, cut us some slack, huh? We're not all Bible-thumping, gun-carrying, uneducated Capitalists. We sure do like eating though.

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  1. We sure do love to eat. If it weren't for my lack of accent people would have a hard time believing I am American, just because I'm not a fatass. I am an opinionated jerk though so that helps convince them.

  2. It's official. I should have been born in the US.


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