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Showing posts from August, 2010

Where will I be in 2020?!

What a difference a decade can make.... 2000 2010 Las Vegas, Nv. Where I lived Ottawa, On. Who needs sleep?Where's the party? How I lived God, I miss sleep. Where's the Advil? Single Relationship Status Engaged to the modest Mr. Sully Nope Position on Parenting Surprise!! Money. (And if I should move to Austin) Biggest Worry Isabel. (I will always worry about money) Studio 54. Home at dawn. A Typical Saturday Night Movie with Matt. UP at dawn. A very playful Rexxy. Pet A very sleepy Rexxy. HTML Tables Well, one thing is for certain. Isabel will be 10 years old. Hopefully, she'll have learned to hold up her head and sleep through the night by then.

Isabel - 1 month

A few days ago, my Mom and I were sitting in Starbucks when a very pregnant girl walked up to admire Isabel.  She asked me, "So how were the first few weeks?" I thought about it for a minute and then realized that I didn't really remember the first few weeks. It's probably not the answer she was looking for but I answered, "It's a blur." It's true.  Looking back at those first few days when Isabel cam home, all I remember is being so sleep-deprived that I was literally afraid to use our stairs for fear I'd break my neck. Then I woke up one morning and she was a month old. (What happened to those 30 days?!) That's not to say that we're suddenly well-rested. Far from it. We've both learned to function on 4-5 hours of sleep. But our system seems to be working okay and the little one is (FINALLY!!) starting to get the concept of night and day - sleeping for longer periods while we do. Now, if we could just find a cure for baby gas.....