We were told that, by this point, we would be settled into a routine. I guess we are for the most part. I mean, as much as a 4-month-old will allow. She has her naptime, her bathtime, her playtime and her bedtime. We made the mistake of getting just a little comfortable. Then, in true baby fashion, she threw us a curve ball. Also known as teething. It seems early to me but we're assured that it's perfectly normal. I don't see any baby teeth yet but the drool, crabbiness and constant fist-gnawing tell us they're on their way.
And, my God, the personlity on this kid! (Wherever does she get it?) She's discovered it's much more effective to get our attention by yelling than by crying. I swear she's saying, "HEEEEEEEEEEY!! HEEEEEEEEEEY!" She's become very vocal. Mommy and baby have full conversations at least twice a day - my new favorite thing. And, the best thing? Everything is suddenly hilarious to her. Tickling, her toy hippo, bathtime and getting dressed crack her up. It's the simple things... As an adult, I wish I could derive that much pure joy for anything! Hmm...I suppose I do -- her.
My only complaint, really, is that old Rexxy hasn't "stepped up" to help. If this were a Disney movie, he'd be the lovable but stern, all-knowing Butler kitty who takes care of baby, prepares gourmet meals and occasionally tells stories to teach us life lessons. Instead, when baby cries, he hides. Yes, our former only-fur-child is having a hard time sharing Mommy and Daddy. Luckily for him, it's pretty obvious that his ancient a** is going to live forever....only 18 more years and we're all yours again, Rexxy....unless we give her a sibling.
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