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Whole30 - Day 16 & 17

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. I know now that I can do this. However, there is a big part of me that is really over it all. The last few days have really tested me and I'm realizing that I'm a lot stronger than I realized.

Day 16 & 17

How the book says I'll feel: Tiger blood! Seriously, it says Tiger blood. From now until Day 27 we are supposed to be feeling mighty fine; over the bumps and reaping the rewards.

How I actually feel: Now, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't feeling different. I was really looking forward to this part because when we heard "you'll feel amazing," I didn't know what that meant. I'm not sure if I'd call it Tiger blood :) but I'm feeling pretty good. Both of us have lost many inches. I can feel it in my clothes. I can feel it in my blood and I can feel it in my brain. I'm focused. Clear. Which, honestly is a good and a bad thing. My sleep is now being affected. Brain won't turn off. And due to my hyper-hydration, I wake up like clockwork every morning at 3:30 am. Ugh. Even with that though, my energy level during the day is pretty steady.

Breakfasts are still too eggy but I'm at a point where I recognize that the influx of protein early in the morning is kickstarting my metabolism for the day and getting me going in general.

Lunch yesterday was leftover frittata at work. I was really busy so only ate a few bites quickly. And followed it with a coconut water, a beverage I drank but am still not quite sure I like. I'm still on the fence. This held me until early dinner.

The kid and I had spaghetti squash with shrimp for dinner. While I was cooking it, she turns to me and says, "Mama, that smells delicious!" This kid. Heart melting.

Today was a bit of challenge. Busy busy. We started with a healthy breakfast scramble but had to eat out for both lunch and dinner. A late meeting and shuttle service to the airport pushed our lunch a little later than I would've liked. With no gameplan, we ended up at a Greek restaurant where the only thing that looked Whole30 compatible was a dry side salad. After digging a little and quizzing the very friendly cashier, we ended up with said salad (oil and vinegar) and a delicious chicken breast grilled with olive oil and oregano. I'm not sure if I was just starving or what but it was the tits.
Complete with fancy water.

With company in town, we decided to go out for dinner as well...and I had my heart set on a steak! Our chosen location, however, had a 40 minute wait and there was no way I was waiting that long. So, off we went to brew pub where I ordered a tuna tartare. It was pretty good. I mean, it was smothered in guacamole. (surprisingly compliant) but it sure wasn't steak. That's what I had a taste for and now I'm not satisfied at all.

Tomorrow is a new day and there's a steak out there with my name on it.

Husband says: Challenging again to eat out but we did it. Seemed to be more focused but still yet to be possessed by a tiger.

Bonus: Tried Kambucha. Blech.


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