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Showing posts from March, 2020

Self-Quarantine - Second Entry: Breaking News

Breaking News! Breaking News! Breaking News! TV off. I'm a bit jealous of folks who gave up social media for lent. I can't remember the last post I saw that wasn't virus-related. A friend of mine said something like, "anxiety loves this stuff." She ain't lying. I watch the news, get all bothered, turn it off and calm down and then go back for more. Anyone else? Today, our Prime Minister said, "Let me be clear. If you are abroad, it's time to come home." This was followed by something along the lines of  if you don't already live here, you ain't gettin' in.  This was hardly a surprise but hearing him say it out loud is a little unnerving. Especially when our families live thousands of miles away. AND I have elderly and seriously ill relatives. For now, I'm not sure when I'll see them again. I speak to my Mom when I can and she's told me she's glad we're here. (so am I) But still. Shitty. We've just com...

Self-Quarantine - First Entry: Isabel's already bored

For the last year I've been saying  that we are living in the shit-storm montage that you see at the beginning of every post-apocalyptic film. (*cue the zombies*) I have yet to be proven wrong. This last week, though, we hit the gas pedal. You can't turn on the news without being inundated with COVID-19 updates. Everything is cancelled. Everything is scarce. Everyone is home. (Well, everyone that can be) And so begins the era of self-quarantine - an era, I hope, we'll look back on fondly in a few weeks when this is all over. Until then, though, guess what? We're all in this together. The Sullys' have not been exposed (that I know of). We have not been out of the country. (for far too long) But, we will still do our part and I hope you will too. It's going to be a long few weeks, to be sure. But we WILL get through it. Our families live in the USA. On a good day, I'm worried about them given current affairs. I've been watching the news, of c...