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Self Quarantine - Fifth Entry: My roots are showing

Thank goodness for Balayage, huh?

At first, it lessened the shock factor of my neglected hair but has since becoming a blaring reminder (and obvious time stamp) of a life without salons. I kind of feel like a tree. The change in colour of this ring will signify the Pandemic of 2020.

I could also blame Matt. Since we've been together, he has wished and wished and wished that I'd grow my hair out. I hate long hair. It's a pain in the ass. I've actually threatened more than a few times to shave my head over the last few weeks. I'm too chicken to actually do it, of course. And I don't dare take my kitchen scissors to this tumbleweed - so long hair it is, for now. No more birthday wishes for you, Mr. Sully. You've gone too far.

Don't even get me started on my nails.

And forget about the brows.

The gym is also closed.

Jesus. It's gonna be a full-on Extreme Makeover once this all passes.

Once this all passes... how many times have you heard that recently? How many things are you planning and tentatively looking forward to? There will be unbridled hugfests and epic parties all over the globe. And the salons will be booked solid for the foreseeable future.

The only solace in my current homely situation is that everyone else looks homely too. Thanks to a global pandemic, I know what everyone has in their pajama drawer. I guess you could say we're all finally living our truths. I know your real hair colour. I've now seen your skin without contouring. Your true shape - unless you're still wearing shapewear, in which case, God bless you. But let's be honest. You're not.

The question is, once this all passes, will we go right back to our full beauty routines. Will we remember how?

A few days ago, I decided to do a test run. I showered, makeupped, blowdried, curled and dressed. Then, I shook my ass into Matt's office and declared, "We can all calm down. Everything will be fine. I'm still gorgeous!" Matt turned and smiled, "There she is!" and in that moment I realized that he, the lover of all things made-up and girly, has been living with Plain Jane for a month. I also realized he was looking at me the way that I had just been looking at myself in the mirror. There she is, indeed.

Homely girl isn't going anywhere any time soon though. Quarantine Chic is so hot right now. The best part is that I'm saving a fortune. And my vanity is getting a reality check. When the time comes, I will be ready, makeup brushes and curling iron in-hand. I just hope I'll be able to get a hair appointment to touch up my Balayage before the next ring begins.

Chances are, it's gray.

Everyone stay well.


Vanessa Sully


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