Pregnancy is beautiful? Whatever. :) At 20 weeks, I'm feeling more than a little bit pregnant. And should I forget, all I need to do is try to put on a pair of my pre-preggo jeans. (Just a little snug!) I was prepared for morning sickness (didn't have it), strange cravings (milkshakes!), and mood swings (poor Matt) but there were a few things that no one warned me about....
- My complexion is changing. I thought I left my Clearasil days back in high school. Stupid hormones.
- I cannot sleep. Well, not very peacefully anyway. My doctor and every website I've looked at tell me that it's best for baby if I lay on my side. The problem is I'm a tummy sleeper. It feels like I spend every night switching from one side to the other - too preoccupied to just rest. And should I doze off, my dreams are insane!!
- Good news: prenatal vitamins are great for hair growth. Bad news: prenatal vitamins are great for hair growth. It's not just limited to your head. If I'm not careful, I could end up looking like a yeti.
- My nose has gone into overdrive. Not only am I a bloodhound - I can smell EVERYTHING! But, I seem to be more prone to nosebleeds. Good times.
- Feeling baby isn't what I thought it was going to be. I've felt a flutter (like butterflies in my stomach), a poke/jab and what I can only describe as a somersault. The movements are still few and far between. I think someone is trying to say "I'm here, Mommy!" So weird.
I'm back at the doctor this week for a check-up. Hopefully, I can get another referral for an ultrasound. I'm dying to give this kid a name! (My mom is dying for me to stop referring to it as the alien. Haha) That still leaves at least a few more weeks of guessing though. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go crazy. I'll keep ya posted.
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