It came and went without consequence which is really unlike me. I celebrate every milestone with some sort of small celebration. But this Summer was crazy busy and the end of Summer was even crazy busier as we prepared for the first (and long awaited) day of school for Isabel. It's like suddenly I blinked and Summer was over. (Even though it's been over 80 degrees this whole week. Weird)
The same could be said for our time here. I blinked. And just like that I'm a Mother and Wife. And... dare I say this out loud? Happy. Weird.
I keep thinking back to those two kids living in Atlanta contemplating a big move very north. Would I have made the same decision knowing then what I know now? It's an interesting thought. One I can't really dwell on because no matter how I play it out I always come to the same conclusion. When I moved here, I got Isabel. Boom.
To be clear, there are a few circumstances here that I most definitely wish had played out differently. Let's just say my Husband having his own business has not been easy. Lessons were learned. And some friendships were sacrificed. (Well, I use the term friendships loosely because they were not real friends.) Still, here were are. We're still standing. We Sully's are made of some tough stuff.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about home. Being close to my family. That wonderful U.S. Dollar. Southern weather. I dream of a world where I can drop the kid off with my Mom for the weekend. Or go to my Grammy and Grampy's for lunch during the week. Having unrestricted access to all websites. Having radio stations that aren't governed by Canadian content law. Ahhh...America.
For now, we'll just have to settle for a quiet and safe neighborhood where I can go for a walk and leave my doors unlocked. A good school for my daughter and teachers and friends who truly care about her well-being. Free healthcare. A slower lifestyle that allows me to raise my daughter. Sanity.
Now if we could just get rid of the snow.
So, cheers to 6 years. Where will I find myself after I blink again?
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Before. So well rested and damn sexy. |
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