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Whole30 - Reintroductions, Part II

God, could that title be any more pretentious?

Bread and dairy. Dairy and bread. I'm wondering what I could say to convey the utter terror that overwhelmed me when I was first presented with the Whole30 plan. No bread? Christ. No CHEESE?! What's the point of living?

Still, we pressed on and made it through a dairy-less and grain-less month. Toward the end, all I could think about was garlic bread. Warm, buttery, garlic bread; crusty on the outside, soft on the inside. Oh my. Yes, my addiction to these food groups is real. And I'm guessing eliminating them is a HUGE factor in my loss of inches.

Reintroducing them is also terrifying. I'm actually doing fine without them. Cravings have subsided but, again, I fear that slope is a most slippery one. But this is our last step in completing our Whole30 journey and so we splurged.

Day 40 - Grains

If we're going to do this, let's do it right. On grains day, we started with smoked salmon and bagels. And let me just say damn...quickly followed by, I've never been so full in my life. I was unable to finish. Sadness. And I feared those empty calories were going to leave me famished earlier than usual. I was right. I crashed. With that, I decided to keep lunch light and Whole30 compliant... that way I wouldn't feel so badly about our big Italian dinner. Bread and pasta were purposely on the menu and I finished uncomfortably full. Don't get me wrong, everything was delicious...amazing, in fact. But, the full I was feeling I hadn't felt in a while. Different. Heavy. Indulgent. I didn't like it. That combined with a very gassy night at the Sully household will probably keep me away from bread for a little while longer.

Day 43 - Dairy

The day I've been waiting for since this whole business started. How did I ever go this long without dairy? The menu on this day was mostly about cheese. We started with omelettes (eggs whipped with a bit of milk) filled with cheddar. So yummy. But, again, heavy. Granted, it was a huge omelette but neither of us were able to finish despite our cheesy cravings. For lunch, I had a grilled chicken salad that was mostly Whole30 compliant, I just added a little goat cheese for reintroductions. This was like crack. Goat cheese is one of my most favorite cheeses and I'm not ashamed to say I wanted to lick my plate. For a pick me up in the late afternoon, I skipped tea and opted for a latte. Oh man, did I miss these. It was sooooo rich though. I ended up tossing half of it and was left full, full, full.

The main thing I'm taking away from dairy day is that I don't really need it. I haven't had cheese for over 40 days and I'm still alive. All these cheesy meals would've been just find sans cheese. My daily tea seems to pick me up (and leave me feeling lighter) than a latte. And my nightly glass of milk has been replaced by an occasional glass of almond milk which I surprisingly enjoy. That said, don't you dare think I will never eat cheese again! It will always hold a special place in my heart. But this is most definitely a treat.


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