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The Roaring 20's

The next decade is pretty bleak... if you ask Hollywood. Dystopian, disconnected, dangerous. In keeping with America’s obsession to promote fear, we have been taught, through film, that our reality will go majorly awry … relatively soon.

When we were kids, my mind didn’t see 2020 like this. We have fun gadgets now, sure, but sadly, my car still doesn’t fly (lies, Jetsons), I can’t make pizza with a “hydrator” in less than a minute (thanks for nothing, Back to the Future 2), and we can’t even implant memories! (although, Total Recall, wasn’t exactly promoting this)

To be fair, though, a future envisioned where things are just sort of the same wouldn’t bring in box office numbers. Throw in a robot uprising, a worldwide plague or carnivorous aliens and we line up. 

What the hell is wrong with us?

Here's 5 movies that make me want to build a bomb shelter:   

1. Blade Runner
Released in 1982. Set in 2019.

Siri and Alexa are relatively new to us but they are certainly the precursor to a world of ‘bots and Replicants. Come on, we all know the outcome when we try to enslave artificial intelligence. It becomes self-aware. It goes rogue. We die. The end.

2. Terminator: Dark Fate
Released in 2019. Set in 2020.

Another cautionary tale in the saga of man vs. machine. In this version, Skynet is gone. It was eliminated in T2. Still though, life finds a way. The lesson here? The future belongs to the machines. We’re screwed.

3. A Quiet Place
Released in 2018. Set in 2020.

At least this version of the new decade looks relatively familiar. The big difference? Aliens, man. Mean ones, made of ears that have made the world go silent. Which honestly doesn’t sound too bad, to be honest. It’s just that I’m not interested in getting eaten. I’m clumsy. I drop things. Death is certain.

4. Her
Released 2013. Set in 2025.

With the world at our fingertips, we are more disconnected than ever. Lonely guy finds a perfect girlfriend in an OS. She is ever-present and caters to his every need. Why would you ever speak to anyone again?

 5.Children of Men
Released in 2006. Set in 2027.

By 2027, the world is so f’d up that our very physiology changes. All women are infertile. But then there’s one lucky lady who finds herself miraculously with child and must be protected at all costs. Makes you wonder, huh? Will a plague or a bomb take us out or will we simply just cease as a species.

My outlook on the future isn't as dark as all this. But if life imitates art (or vice versa), humans are headed for some hard lessons.

Happy New Year? and sorry if I ruined your day.

Vanessa Sully

AND we have to worry about problems with the Earth's gravitational pull! Dang.


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