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5'3, Brown eyes, Married.

This blog is dedicated to my loving Husband.

I'm an old fashioned gal at heart. I'm married to an old fashioned guy. (Who also likes an occasional Old Fashioned) We've been together for almost ten years now and I'm finding the longer we're together the more old fashioned we become. And by old fashioned I mean committed. A commitment I'm proud to say we've unconsciously modeled after our grandparents. Mine married for nearly 50 years, his married for over 65. Like an old black and white movie, they kept it simple. Moral. Fast forward 50 years and add in a world that likes to make things overly complicated and this suddenly simple premise suddenly has many shades of gray.

Now most of the married couples I know hold themselves to a high-standard also. There isn't a question as to where their hearts lie. However, as stated in my previous blog post, we're all in our mid to late 30's now and I've seen many different types of marriages - happy, young, high school sweetheart, open, and farce. In my opinion, the last is the hardest to stomach. I feel like it mocks everything my marriage stands for.

They can try to justify the bad behavior all they want. They're not happy. They're spouse isn't so nice. They're planning on leaving. Or my favorite,  they were drunk. Those may all be true. But you know what else is? You're married. End of story. Look, I know I sound very judgmental but that's only because I'm being very judgmental. I realize I've never been in these situations. More than that, I'm thankful. But being married is so much a part of who I am now I'm happy to say I just don't understand that behavior. Once at a party, a friend and I sat and watched as another (married) acquaintance flirted and became inappropriate with many of the other party-goers. He turned to me and said, "Yeah but she's drunk" to which I quickly replied, "I've never been so drunk that I forget I'm married." (Mic drop)

Am I naive? Possibly. Or maybe they were for thinking they were ready for the commitment of all commitments. All I know is my own experience. My vows meant something. They meant everything, in fact. And I have every intention of making it to my Golden Anniversary. Marriage is hard work. Harder than I ever thought, actually. So, let's take another cue from our Grandparents - an old fashioned work ethic.



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