*Originally written in 2015 for my Brother-in-Law's, TheNerdFu.com, I stumbled across this last week and thought the timing was perfect for a re-sharing. ************** What’s your favorite scary movie? Halloween ? A Nightmare on Elm Street ? The Exorcist ? I would be hard-pressed to single out one in my genre of choice. There are those that make me jump, those that make me scream, those that make me gag and (most preferably) those that make me quiver. ‘Tis the season to revisit my beloved horror films. One a night, much to the dismay of my fraidy-cat husband. Thanks to me, he is now very schooled in this frightful style. And through my devotion to this category, he has seen more than just the mainstream drivel. Here’s a few movies that slipped under his radar and maybe yours too. Eden Lake (2008) This has a relatively simple premise. A young couple (half of which is Michael Fassbender) escape to the English countryside for a romantic camp...