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Showing posts from 2010

All in a days work

This is Isabel, yesterday afternoon. You can clearly see that she is on the verge of figuring out this "crawling thing." Little did I know, she would figure it out by that evening! We knew she was a genius but this is ridiculous. I sat her on her playmat for a few seconds while I went into the kitchen, on my way back I was stopped dead in my tracks. My 4-month-old baby (5 months next week) was "crawling." We're not talking full-on hands and knees but more of a froggy scoot - what my friend, Jennifer, calls the "commando crawl."  Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough with the camera to catch it. Next time.......unless it was a fluke. So, yes, we're in trouble. Does this mean she'll be walking by 6 months?!


We were told that, by this point, we would be settled into a routine. I guess we are for the most part. I mean, as much as a 4-month-old will allow. She has her naptime, her bathtime, her playtime and her bedtime. We made the mistake of getting just a little comfortable. Then, in true baby fashion, she threw us a curve ball. Also known as teething. It seems early to me but we're assured that it's perfectly normal. I don't see any baby teeth yet but the drool, crabbiness and constant fist-gnawing tell us they're on their way. And, my God, the personlity on this kid! (Wherever does she get it?) She's discovered it's much more effective to get our attention by yelling than by crying. I swear she's saying, "HEEEEEEEEEEY!! HEEEEEEEEEEY!" She's become very vocal. Mommy and baby have full conversations at least twice a day - my new favorite thing. And, the best thing? Everything is suddenly hilarious to her. Tickling, her toy hippo, bathtime and ge...

3 months old

...and growing like a weed!! Our little doll is developing quite the personality. We expected nothing less. With every ounce she gains, we see a little more 'tude. Baby 'tudes are the worst. This is a a month of firsts. Her first giggle quickly turned into her first crack-up - my new favorite thing. She finally "met" her Great Grandma Dee through Skype. Her first Holiday is right around the corner - Halloween. And she's getting her ears pierced in a little less than two weeks. Her cuteness is going to shoot off the charts!! You were warned.

Outings with Isabel

Baby on board Leaving the house sure isn't what it used to be. Oh those carefree and spontaneous days.... I had no idea that traveling with our little nugget would require as much planning as a mini-vacation. It all starts with a simple plan. "Hey let's go to _______!" Seems easy enough, right? Heh. Let the checklist begin... -What if she gets hungry? -Did we pack her binky ? -How many diapers do we need? -Will she need an extra blanket? -Did you grab a change of clothes? (...for me too?) -Is the stroller in the car? -Don't forget the camera! (Hey! We're new parents!) Before you know it, it's been a half an hour and I still haven't gotten myself ready. She does pretty well. Sometimes she'll get a bit fussy at first in the carseat, but once we're on the road - Good Night, Isabel.  This past weekend, she was quite the social butterfly. Two birthday parties! Two extremely different birthday parties. The first - a very kid-friendl...

Where will I be in 2020?!

What a difference a decade can make.... 2000 2010 Las Vegas, Nv. Where I lived Ottawa, On. Who needs sleep?Where's the party? How I lived God, I miss sleep. Where's the Advil? Single Relationship Status Engaged to the modest Mr. Sully Nope Position on Parenting Surprise!! Money. (And if I should move to Austin) Biggest Worry Isabel. (I will always worry about money) Studio 54. Home at dawn. A Typical Saturday Night Movie with Matt. UP at dawn. A very playful Rexxy. Pet A very sleepy Rexxy. HTML Tables Well, one thing is for certain. Isabel will be 10 years old. Hopefully, she'll have learned to hold up her head and sleep through the night by then.

Isabel - 1 month

A few days ago, my Mom and I were sitting in Starbucks when a very pregnant girl walked up to admire Isabel.  She asked me, "So how were the first few weeks?" I thought about it for a minute and then realized that I didn't really remember the first few weeks. It's probably not the answer she was looking for but I answered, "It's a blur." It's true.  Looking back at those first few days when Isabel cam home, all I remember is being so sleep-deprived that I was literally afraid to use our stairs for fear I'd break my neck. Then I woke up one morning and she was a month old. (What happened to those 30 days?!) That's not to say that we're suddenly well-rested. Far from it. We've both learned to function on 4-5 hours of sleep. But our system seems to be working okay and the little one is (FINALLY!!) starting to get the concept of night and day - sleeping for longer periods while we do. Now, if we could just find a cure for baby gas.....

Look, Mom!! No stretchmarks!!

I've never been one of those girls with a fast metabolism, who can eat whatever they want, never exercise and still stay a size 4. Freaks. In fact, I'm the opposite. My metabolic rate is sluggish at best and weight loss is next to impossible without a strict regiment of working out and eating basically nothing. I tell you this because, for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm getting a taste of the other side. Matt, Steve and my Mom all say I should keep this information to myself but, hell I deserve to gloat just a bit. After 9 months of pregnancy, I've come out on the other side stretchmark-free and 3 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.... just 10 days after giving birth. WOO HOO!! Granted, I needed to drop a few pounds before I got knocked up. But, it's sure going to be easier to start from where I left off. I'm feeling pretty good actually. (Still a bit euphoric as I look at my beautiful little girl) In fact, I'm thinking that this pregnancy c...

The Party's Over?!

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y.... NIGHT!! Image by knitbunny via Flickr I went to bed last night at 10 p.m. No, I wasn't feeling badly. I wasn't preparing to get up early. I was tired. The moment my head hit the pillow and settled into our ridiculously comfortable bed, I was out -- until 7 a.m. no less. (not counting my inevitable 3 a.m. potty break) Since becoming a big, fat preggo this is the rule, not the exception. It happened so gradually that I barely noticed. My hours of operation have completely changed. I'm not sure if I should thank or curse our recent slew of visitors for bringing this my attention. Frankly, their comments have been a little unsettling. Here are a few gems: "It's nice not to be on a schedule." (translation - "What are we doing?!") "You guys have a nice, quiet life." (translation "You're boring!") ...and my favorite... "You guys are making me old!"  (translation "You guys are making me...

8 - Month Revelations

1. Is time passing faster or is it just me? Seriously, we seem to have a sort of snowball thing happening. The further along I get, the faster it seems to go. I cannot believe I'm already 8 months preggo!! 2. Having a baby isn't that expensive! Hahaha!!! Well, for now anyway. Thanks to our AWESOME friends and family, this family-to-be is in great shape. Nursery? Check. Stroller? Check. Clothes? OMG. Check! Check! Check! She'll be the best dressed baby in town. (PS - We have no problem with this generosity continuing until her 18th birthday!) 3. There is really no sense in fearing the inevitable. I'm referring to labor, or course. It's coming and I've had to come to terms with that. No easy task. Don't misunderstand. I'm plenty nervous. But, I've embraced the fact that I don't really know what's coming. Ignorance is bliss. 4. I may miss being pregnant. Aside from the practical uses this belly has presented - arm rest and drink shelf - I...

My new favorite thing

I guess there are a few perks. In addition to prime parking, I get sweet smiles from old folks and fellow mothers-to-be and men falling over themselves to hold the door open for me. Who says chivalry is dead?

27 weeks

...and less than 95 days until little Isabel is free. (I just totally blew my own mind.) I am feeling her more than ever. So much so, that I asked my Doc, "Is there such a thing as being too active?" Thankfully, the answer is no. She's got the room (for now) and she's my daughter - so it's inevitable that she's a dancing machine. Friday's appointment went very well. I've gained 4 lbs. over a month, which is healthy....and pretty amazing considering how much I feel like I'm eating. I was told my bump is normal-sized for 27 weeks and Izzy's heart rate was a strong 146. Yes, I am happy to report that "Mommy" and baby are doing great. "Daddy" is even starting to get in on the action, talking to her and rubbing my belly. He's only really felt her a couple of times but that will definitely change as she gets bigger and stronger. I know she can hear him though - especially when he's playing video games and yelling at t...

Mommy-to-be rant

Image by EssjayNZ via Flickr When I first found out that I was pregnant, a friend of mine told me "Everyone will have advice. Take some. Leave some." Boy, did he hit that nail on the head. It seems there are a lot of opinions on everything from my birth plan to diapering, breast feeding vs. bottle feeding, bedding, schooling - you name it. (From parents and non-parents alike.) I know they mean well, of course, and I appreciate the concern. I really do. After all, this is our first child. But, I'm also hormonal and stubborn. So is Matt. (Well not hormonal - although I could swear he has PMS sometimes.) Some things we're excited to figure out for ourselves. And anyone who knows us well, knows that we can't be told to do anything. (A trait I hope little Isabel DOESN'T inherit - but I know she will. Ugh.) There is one group that is particularly starting to annoy me. I affectionately call them the Just Waits . As in, "Just wait until she REALLY starts ki...

My wiggle worm

Everyday our alarm clock goes off at 7:30 am. I start my day, have a shower and then, apparently, a tiny alarm (that I can't hear) goes off in my belly around noon. My daughter is awake. It's like clockwork -- everyday for about the last two weeks. My doctor told me that she was going to be super active around six months. (Can you believe I'm 6 months pregnant!! Aghh!!) My tiny girl weighs around a pound and a half, so she still has plenty of wiggle room. And right now, her little arms and legs don't hurt when they jab. I know this will change in a few months. So, for now, I'm just enjoying it. I can't help but smile when I feel it. There's a real person in there!!

It's a girl!

22 weeks in and this little girl is growing like crazy! I've nicknamed her "the dancer" because it always feels like she's gettin' down. She put on quite the show at the ultrasound session. It was pretty amazing. Matt's paternal instinct immediately kicked in -- "I get to be mean to boys!" Love it. Now to give her a name....

Spring has sprung....sort of.

Spring seriously needs to hurry up. I'm out of pants. For the past two weeks, Canada has been a big tease. It's been in the 60's!! The snow has melted, the skies were clear and I even ventured out in sandals one day. (A bit premature maybe - What can I say? I got excited.) But then, just when you thought it was safe to venture out without layers -- it's overcast and chilly again. Lame. You'd think we'd be used to this unpredictability having lived in Texas. However, after the winter we've just been through I feel like I've earned Springtime!! I want to wear flip-flops and sundresses. I'm absolutely dying for the trees to bloom. My in-between phase (21 weeks) is also making the 20 degree temperature shift a bit more challenging. All my pre-baby pants are too tight and the few maternity pants I have are too big. That leaves my trusty yoga pants. (aka Goldilocks) Matthew is so tired of looking at these. Fortunately, comfort trumps my desire to look sex...

Halfway there

Pregnancy is beautiful? Whatever. :) At 20 weeks, I'm feeling more than a little bit pregnant. And should I forget, all I need to do is try to put on a pair of my pre-preggo jeans. (Just a little snug!) I was prepared for morning sickness (didn't have it), strange cravings (milkshakes!), and mood swings (poor Matt) but there were a few things that no one warned me about.... - My complexion is changing. I thought I left my Clearasil days back in high school. Stupid hormones. - I cannot sleep. Well, not very peacefully anyway. My doctor and every website I've looked at tell me that it's best for baby if I lay on my side. The problem is I'm a tummy sleeper. It feels like I spend every night switching from one side to the other - too preoccupied to just rest. And should I doze off, my dreams are insane!! - Good news: prenatal vitamins are great for hair growth. Bad news: prenatal vitamins are great for hair growth. It's not just limited to your head. If I'm not ...

El bebé misterioso

Image by blunted via Flickr After what seemed like the longest week of my life, Matt and I had our second ultrasound on Friday morning. If you've seen my Facebook status for that day, then you know "Baby Sully" wasn't much in the revealing-mood. He/She was curled in a tight little ball, legs firmly pressed together. Now, it's hard to be upset or disappointed at the alien when it looked so damn comfortable! And we both knew the most important part of Friday's appointment was making sure the little tyke is healthy. It was. (heart rate a strong 145) Still, the suspense is killing me! And I'm sure all of you. But for now, we're going to have to wait and hope that next time its not quite so demure. The ball is in baby's court. Although, it would be appropriate karma if baby made us wait 9 months after making you Grandmas-to-be wait 30+ years.

19 weeks

Only one more week until we find out if there's a little boy or little girl in there! I've been referring to our lil' alien as "he" ever since we found out I was preggers. Mother's intuition?? We'll soon find out...

5 more things....

Baby is now this size. No wonder I'm always crying. Image via Wikipedia 1. The baby has eyelashes. 2. It's very common for Preggos to feel like they have a cold for the entire 9 months. I wake up with a stuffy nose, sneezing every morning. 3. I am a LOT less tolerant of negativity right now. Happy pregnancies make happy babies. 4. Picking a girl's name is proving to be a difficult task. I'm not really sure why. There are a few we like but we just can't seem to commit. Here are the contenders (so far): Cameron Isabel Caroline Jessie Maribel Hazel Yes, we have a boys name already. No, you don't get to know yet. :) (Shh Mom!) We will reveal it when/if we find out we're having a boy. 5. We find out if it's a boy or a girl on March 5!! I can't wait.

It's alive!!

I heard the babies heartbeat today. That was definitely the highlight of my first prenatal appointment. Other than that, it was sort of like an alien abduction - a lot of poking and prodding. That's probably a little too much information but apparently, this baby-making business is very involved. Lots of tests. All is well though. Blood pressure looks good, weight is good (well, for a preggo) and 154 beats per minute is a perfect heart rate for Baby Sully. What a weird sound though - like a teeny-tiny washing machine.

5 Things I've learned so far...

1. Our baby has fingerprints already. I'm not sure why but this freaks me out. 2. Pregnancy heartburn is NO JOKE. Before this, I think I'd had heartburn twice in my life. I'm Mexican for Christ's sake! We love our spicy food. I guess I have to go easy for the next few months. Boo. 3. I can't watch "A Baby Story" without being reduced to a sobbing mess. But I find myself turning the channel for the delivery part. 4. The placenta & baby (aka alien) are about the size of an avocado right now. 5. Our baby will have duel citizenship. Cool, huh?

Baby Sully - 16 weeks

I haven't abandoned my blog. Quite the opposite. I'd go to it everyday, start typing and very quickly realize that the only thing I want to write about wasn't public knowledge yet. This weekend, though, we came out. There's an alien growing inside me. Weird. There were four phone calls we had to make before we could officially shout it from the rooftops. My mom - who screamed, then cried. Shelley - who promptly asked "how many babies" were inside me because she has been praying for twins. My Grammy - who actually first heard it from my mom. She screamed too. And Chris - who said "That's huge!!" I think he hit the nail on the head. With this kid, I become a Mommy , Matt a Daddy , Debbie and Shelley are Grandmas , and Chris and Mel are Uncle and Auntie . Whoa. I plan to use this blog to keep you all in the loop. Everything from names we're thinking of, nursery pics, ultrasound pics and, of course, my slow transition to "Supersize Nessa....

2010 - The year we freeze to death...

Somewhere under all the white stuff there is another world. A world with sidewalks, streets, grass and no need for layers. The sun shines. The birds chirp. And I can go walking without going numb from the waist down. I assume all this, of course. It's been so long since I've seen this world that I'm starting to doubt it's existence. Around Dec. 27th or so, the nostalgia of a White Christmas wore off. Now, it's just another snowy, month...dammit, months!! I knew this Winter wouldn't be fun - being our first in Canada and all. The last time I dealt with it at this level, I was in High School. At that age, a little cold weather doesn't stop you from doing much. You're fearless. All I needed was a windbreaker and we were out the door. I guess I was just tougher then. More likely though, I just didn't know any better. Today I feel like a 70-year old woman walking around the house in a sweater clutching my Kleenex. I'm hopeful that this mean ...