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I know you are but what am I?

Oh, the intricacies of a relationship. Those wonderful moments that happen when no one else is around. All of my best friends are now coupled. Surely, you know what I speak of: The picking of a fight. Even as I sit here writing this, I am completely clueless as to what the hell just happened. Our typical Thursday family dinner was...typical...light, even, The three of us finished our supper and giggled over Isabel's new Magic Trick kit. Good Sully family memories. The yooj. ("usual") After teeth brushing, morning preparing and kid-tucking-in, it was adult time. As I settled on the couch to check my Insta, I glanced at the man-show on the tv, "What are you watching?", I asked. I was immediately met with a snarky and defensive remark from the husband. I responded. Only to be cut off with another snarky and defensive remark. "Umm...what the hell's your problem?" I don't much shy away. There was an infuriating little giggle as if to say, "...

This Blog is Sexist

A few nights ago Matt and I were watching an old episode of  Sex and the City . Well, I was watching. He was half-listening and playing on his phone. "Ugh. I hate these scenes when they're talking." First, don't you dare dis my show. Second, "What do you mean?!" "It's so forced. Life. Love. Clever quip.  We're so funny !" He said mockingly. Taken aback for a second, I looked at him utterly confused, "That's how girlfriends talk. We're much more clever than men." Cue eye roll. He knows I'm right. Still, I couldn't help but wonder, (see what I did there?)  What the hell do men talk about? I thought back to a few recent conversations we've had after a "Guys Night." There have been some major developments among our group of friends in the last few months: 3 big moves, a hospital stay for a sick kid, new jobs and general adulting. Lots of material for in-depth discussions.The day-after exchange...

5 Scary Movies You May Have Missed

*Originally written in 2015 for my Brother-in-Law's,, I stumbled across this last week and thought the timing was perfect for a re-sharing.  ************** What’s your favorite scary movie?  Halloween ?  A Nightmare on Elm Street ?  The Exorcist ? I would be hard-pressed to single out one in my genre of choice. There are those that make me jump, those that make me scream, those that make me gag and (most preferably) those that make me quiver. ‘Tis the season to revisit my beloved horror films. One a night, much to the dismay of my fraidy-cat husband. Thanks to me, he is now very schooled in this frightful style. And through my devotion to this category, he has seen more than just the mainstream drivel. Here’s a few movies that slipped under his radar and maybe yours too. Eden Lake   (2008) This has a relatively simple premise. A young couple (half of which is Michael Fassbender) escape to the English countryside for a romantic camp...

One and Done

I am an only child... ...and I know  all  the preconceived ideas that just popped into your head. We're spoiled. We're selfish. We're lonely. Am I right? Maybe I possess(ed) a few of those traits but not for the reasons you'd think. My personality was shaped more by a tumultuous upbringing. I'm not sure a sibling would've changed that. In fact, most times I'm glad that no one else had to go through it. Or maybe it's more like I'm glad there are no witnesses. Isabel is also an only child. She doesn't complain about not having siblings unless someone else brings it up first. When it's a curious child asking, we respond warmly, "Nope. It's just the three of us." Usually they seem a little confused at first, then maybe a little jealous? Kanata is not known for only children. Adults are tougher. "We don't want more children" is often met with many questions. It's exhausting and infuriating. When we lived in ...

There's No Place Like Home

The only constant I have from my childhood is that things were always changing. We moved a lot. We changed addresses the way some other families changed seasonal decor. Seriously. I counted once; 17 times before I graduated from high school. I often get asked if I was an "army brat." No. I wish I could say our gypsy lifestyle was due to something that honourable. The truth is, I really don't know (although I suspect) the reasons. I only know I was ALWAYS the new kid at school in a sea of kids who had all mostly known each other since Kindergarten. I made friends, of course. But, sometimes just as quickly as we'd get comfortable we were packing up again. I wonder now why we even unpacked at all. For my child it would be different. Two weeks ago we  moved. For Isabel, it was a first and she was nervous. Under any circumstances, moving is stressful and scary. But now I have to do it with a big smile for my 8-year-old. As a parent, I like to think I've done my j...

"The Nun" - My review

The Nun (2018) Directed by Corin Hardy *****Spoiler Alert***** Here we go. Another installation in James Wan's Conjuring universe. So far, it is #1 at the box office and that's really no surprise. It's predecessors were major hits and we were all hungry for another bite. We were first introduced to The Nun in 2016's The Conjuring 2. Like most, I thought she was absolutely terrifying. Unlike most, I suppose, I always find a seemingly random villain more unnerving. That air of this could happen to you  hanging in the air like an ominous cloud. But, the masses screamed for more and very quickly The Nun backstory was coming to theaters. Now, to be fair, when I found out they were making this I, too, was on board. I'm always down for a scary movie. I love to see them in the theater. Even when the initial reviews came back and weren't so good, that didn't deter me. I find it a very rare thing that a horror movie gets a fair shake. True lover's o...

"What's in the box?"

"The past beats inside of me like a second heart." -John Banville, The Sea My memory is long. It is vivid. It is unforgiving. For better, it is remembering song lyrics, movie quotes, important dates and fun times. For worse, it is remembering every embarrassment, hurt and traumatic childhood moment. With both, something will trigger me (a song, smell, a feeling) and *poof*, I'm right back in it. Does this happen to you? Do you think of comebacks years later in the shower? Do you dwell on that time you fell in front of all of those people? Do you still get a rush when you think about that first kiss with your honey? It's something I've come to depend on. (Especially when competing in trivia) And I've never really understood how it feels to not have this ability. My Mother used to get very frustrated with me because I remembered everything she said; even when she didn't. She once said to me, "I hope you have a daughter one day with that memory!...

"Smile! It increases your face value!"

I'm usually in a pretty good mood. * I'm usually quick to smile; quick to laugh. I like to say "hi" to people on the street. I like to hug good friends. I like to kiss my husband. I like to keep it light and try not take it all so seriously. It's a conscious decision, albeit not always an easy one. Most days, though, I'm pretty good at NOT giving into the bullshit. Recently, in my Kickboxing class, (my new passion!!) I was paired with a 20-something girl for the partner drills. I greeted her with a smile. Nothing. I cracked a lame joke about how we should try to NOT punch each other in the face. *crickets* (Does she not realize I'm a delight?!) Then we started our exercises; me with a mid-level intensity and steady beat to the Flo Rida song booming over the sound system; her with an intense fervor like she was training for her next MMA fight. Now, I kept up. (Awwwww yeeeeahhhhh!) But I was (at first) more than a little annoyed. I wanted to say, "Y...

Mommy Dearest

"Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children."                                                                                        - William Makepeace Thackeray pressure. Today as I'm getting ready for work, applying my makeup and straightening my clothes, a little voice in the distance says, "You look beautiful, Mommy." She's told me this before and I always thank her and accept the compliment. This time, however, it struck me particularly hard because as I was looking at myself in the mirror, I was thinking everything opposite to her sentiment; I am PMSing=bloated, I have a zit on my chin, I need to wax my upper lip and I perpetually want to lose about 20 pounds. Yet somehow, with all my insecurities, this sweet little sou...

The Write Stuff

PLOT TWIST! Mrs. Movie Snob has a new alias; Mrs. First Time Novelist! The first time novelist I'm referring to here is not myself. Blogs and funny quips are about the extent of my writing talents. No, the first time novelist to which I'm referring is, of course, my husband, Matt. C. Sully. For months, he's been researching, outlining, networking and writing what I'm sure is going to be an opus the likes of which are rarely seen. (read?) Night after night, he talks to me about his characters; their strengths, weaknesses and journeys. I can tell he's truly come to love them. It's really something to watch him get so excited about this world he's created out of thin air. Even though he just began writing in the Spring, I know this story has been in him for some time just waiting to be told. The timing had to be right to give it it's due, but now that he has surrendered to his creative inclinations, it seems to be pouring out; word by word, page by pa...

5 Movies that Changed as I got Older

Some heard " yanny ," other's heard " laurel ." We were all right. We were all wrong. Still, we were all steadfast in our conclusion. Science has shown us that it is entirely possible for one thing to be interpreted in two completely different ways. It's kind of amazing. Going for a walk with my daughter one afternoon, she asks, "Mommy, let's take a picture of everything pretty." I pull out my phone and 287 pictures later realize, everything is pretty to her. Everything is still new and to be appreciated. My grown-up brain did notice it was a gorgeous day but mostly, I was focused on her and the most efficient route home. One situation; two completely different interpretations. Mostly, it's maturity. I'm old now. I've seen things. I have experiences, good and bad, that now show me a filtered world. None of this is more evident than when I sit down to watch an old movie. (Old meaning 1980's and 90's) My once carefree ci...

Confessions of a Former A**hole (Language Advisory)

I used to be an asshole. No. No. Don't argue. It's true. HA! I laugh because I don't' think that many would argue. And that's ok. I can fully accept that now. You have every right to feel the way you do. I take full responsibility.  But there's good news! I'm not an asshole anymore. Step 2: ???. Step 3: Profit. I'm not trying to make excuses but, to be fair, my past asshole tendencies could be attributed, at least in part, to survival instinct. You see, I didn't grow up around people that were particularly nice to me. It's cliche but you weren't going to get me if I got you first. Kentucky was (is?) pretty unforgiving as a Latina girl. I look back now and realize I was surrounded by prejudice; from teachers, other kids and our in-laws. That didn't help matters. Then, suddenly, I was an insecure adult trying to find my way, still completely convinced that EVERYONE had an agenda. It's safe to say I became my own worst en...